大卫·肖 查看所有新濠天地app

Disciplines/Field of Instruction

  • Mechanical Engineering
    • Thermal and Reaction Engineering
    • Applied Fluid and Thermal Instrumentation


  • Ph.D., 1988, The Ohio State University
  • M.S, 1986, The Ohio State University
  • B.S.M.E., 1983, 新濠天地app大学


  • EGR 100 - Engineering: 调用 and Vocation
  • EGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering
  • EGR 315 - Transport Processes
  • EGR 481/482 - Senior Design Project
  • EGR 491 - Instrumentation Engineering
  • MEE 416 - Design of Thermal Systems
  • MEE 417 - Fluid Mechanics
  • MEE 418 - Reacting Systems
  • HUM 304/SCS 491 - Puerto Rico 2008 and 2009 (Applications of Energy Engineering within the interdisciplinary travel course)
  • CIE 454 - Air Pollution Control

Selected Recent Presentations/Publications

  • Warzinski R.P., I.K. Gamwo E.J. 罗森鲍姆,E.M. Myshakin H. 江,K.D. 约旦、N.J. 英语,维.W. 肖; “Thermal Properties of Methane Hydrate by Experiment and Modeling and Impacts upon Technology,” [PDF] Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada; July, 2008.
  • 罗森鲍姆,E.,英语,N.约翰逊,J.肖,D。., & Warzinski R. (2007年11月22日). Thermal Conductivity of Methane Hydrate from Experiment and Molecular Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111(46), 13194-13205.
  • Warzinski R. P., R. J. 林恩,D. W. 肖和E. J. 罗森鲍姆, “Thermal Property Measurements of Methane Hydrate Using a Transient Plane Source Technique,在印刷中, AAPG Hedberg Conference book on Gas Hydrates
  • 大卫·肖., 和Tanyel, Murat, , “Hot Wheels® and LabVIEW Meet at NHRA Division 1”, ASEE 2006 Illinois-印第安纳州 and North Central Joint Section, 韦恩堡, 印第安纳州,  3月31日至4月1日, 2006.
  • 大卫·肖.詹姆斯·S·吉德利. “Addressing the Liberal Arts in a Core Engineering Class: Theology, 哲学, 社会公德, and The Second Law of Thermodynamics,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & 博览会, Salt Lake City, Utah, Session 3261, June 23, 2004.
  • Christian Engineering Educators Conference (CEEC), June 24-25, 2004, Salt Lake City Utah.  Dr. 肖 participated in a panel discussion titled “Where are the Christian Engineers?”
  • 大卫·肖., and Harwood, Richard F., “Practical Application of FEA in Freshman Design using Senior Student Mentors”,    Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & 博览会, Montreal, Canada, June, 2002.
  • 大卫·肖.詹姆斯·S·吉德利., “Addressing the Liberal Arts in a Core Engineering Class: Theology, 哲学, 社会公德, and The Second Law of Thermodynamics”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & 博览会, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 2004.
  • 大卫·肖. 和Tanyel, Murat, “Teaching the Concepts of 调用 and Vocation in an Introduction to Engineering Course”, Proceedings of the 2006 Christian Engineering Education Conference, Bourbonnais, Illinois, June 2006,
  • 大卫·肖. 和Tanyel, Murat, “Lessons Learned from a Multi-faceted Freshman Design Project: Software Development, 电子产品, Mechanical Construction, Software-Hardware Interface and Economics”,  Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & 博览会, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008.
  • 大卫·肖., “Enhancing the Laboratory Experience Using Peer Evaluation Of Group Laboratory Reports In A Fluid Mechanics Course”, Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & 博览会, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008.
  • 大卫·肖. 和Tanyel, Murat , “What Faculty Wish First-Year Students Understood About 调用 and Vocation: The Genesis of a New Textbook”, Tanyel Proceedings of the 2008 Christian Engineering Education Conference, Beaver Falls, PA, June 2008.

Current Projects and Research

  • Thermal Property Measurement for Methane Hydrates – Developed and implemented a system for measuring thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of methane hydrate deposits in a laboratory environment.  Currently adapting this for use in the field and other laboratories.
  • Solar Splash - Advised student teams in the development and testing of solar powered boats for an international competition.  Results and pictures can be found at www.solarsplash.com  

奖 & Distinctions Received

  • Engineer of the Year, ASME Pittsburgh Section, 2006
  • Excellence in Scholarship Award, 新濠天地app大学, 1997

Professional Society Memberships

  • ASME国际
  • American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Professional Certification

  • Registered Professional Engineer – State of Pennsylvania


  • 教会成员- Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA)
    • Praise team member (guitar and bass)
    • Music committee member
  • 爱好
    • Music – guitar, bass, banjo
    • Endurance sports – triathlon, marathon
    • Wilderness canoe tripping (with the entire family)
    • 家里装修
  • Married with 4 children – All homeschooled by my hard working wife
  • Geneva trivia – was the first of my family to attend 新濠天地app大学, followed by all of my siblings


Dr. 肖 developed and implemented a system for measuring thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of methane hydrate deposits in a laboratory.

Dr. 肖提出了, “Thermal Properties of Methane Hydrate by Experiment and Modeling and Impacts upon Technology,” at the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates in Vancouver, 2008年加拿大.

不仅是博士. 肖 a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, he also won the award of engineer of the year award for the Pittsburgh chapter in 2006.